NEWSFLASH: Rep. Todd Akin’s Immaculate Non-Conception

In a stunning display of misinformation, sexism and chutzpah, anti-choice Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) said yesterday that, from what he understands, “legitimate rape” rarely results in pregnancy, because women’s bodies can somehow stop it from happening. In an interview with The Jaco Report, aired on the news station KTVI-TV (a FOX affiliate), Akin justified his […]

NEWSFLASH: Augusta National Opens Membership to Women

After 80 years of segregated men-only membership, the prestigious golf club Augusta National, which hosts the annual Masters Tournament, invited two women to join its exclusive ranks today. Facing heightened criticism for its sexist policies, the club invited former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and South Carolina financier Darla Moore to become its first women […]

A Woman Will Finally Moderate A Presidential Debate Again

After a 20-year absence, a woman will finally take the moderator’s seat in a U.S. presidential debate. CNN’s Candy Crowley, chief political correspondent and anchor of “State of the Union With Candy Crowley,” is the first woman since 1992 to take on the role. Martha Raddatz, senior foreign affairs correspondent for ABC News, will moderate the vice presidential debate. […]

No Comment: “Reclaim Your Wife”

If your wife is breastfeeding your newborn, you need to GET HER BACK. So instructs an ad campaign for a baby bottle manufacturer, ostensibly targeted to new fathers, which hearkens back to the days when men could count women among their possessions. Bittylab, a company helmed by a woman, tells men to “reclaim” their wives from […]

Abuse Scandal Cover-Up Sends Church Official to Prison

Monsignor William Lynn, the high-ranking Philadelphia Catholic Church official convicted of covering up priests’ sexual abuses, was sentenced to three to six years in prison today. Lynn was found guilty on June 22 of one count of felony child endangerment in the Philadelphia archdiocese, where he served as secretary of clergy from 1992 to 2004. […]

What Boy Scouts Can Learn from Girl Scouts

Building campfires, earning merit badges, selling cookies and dodging political controversies–Boy and Girl Scouts need to be prepared. Though the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts came from similar origins, they’ve had a century to grow apart ideologically. As far as inclusion and acceptance goes, Boy Scouts fall far behind the girls. In their latest throwback […]