Write Like Prayers: Revolutionary Poems for Young Feminists

In 2015 Haley Jakobson lost everything, wrote it all down and then put it on the internet. Across the country, Samantha Giuliano found a writer whose loss was reminiscent of her own and began to draw it.

Their resulting book, Write Like Prayers, is the opposite of a vow of silence—it’s a bedtime story for your twenties. Below, to mark National Poetry Month, are two excerpts. To learn more about Haley and Sam, find them on Instagram @haleyjakobson and @samgiulianoart.

Haley Jakobson is a writer of plays and poetry, Artistic Director and founder of Brunch Theatre Company and a conscious vinyasa yoga teacher living in Brooklyn. She loves kissing and dogs, but not always kissing dogs. (Photo by Octavio Valencia.)


About and

Sam Guiliano is an illustrator, storyteller and professional doodler. When she isn't illustrating, she's running, practicing yoga, traveling, spending time outdoors or watercoloring barefoot on the floor.