Keeping Score: Georgia Resists Trump, Argentina Legalizes Abortion

In every issue of Ms., we track research on our progress in the fight for equality, catalogue can’t-miss quotes from feminist voices and keep tabs on the feminist movement’s many milestones. We’re Keeping Score online, too—in in this biweekly round-up.

THIS WEEK: NYC paramedic targeted by New York Post for supplementing income with sex work speaks out; Trump pressures Raffensperger to overturn election results; Bianca Smith is the first Black woman to coach baseball; an inhumane new Ohio bill says women must bury or cremate tissue after an abortion; Argentina legalizes abortion; 300 Nigerian boys kidnapped by Boko Haram; Dr. Susan Moore dies after being disregarded by her doctor; Saudi activist Loujain al-Hathloul is sentenced to six years in prison; and more.