Dolores Huerta’s Birthday Wish

Dolores Huerta has been an organizer and advocate for 55 years. Her work has grown with each decade; from civil rights to farmworkers’ rights to women’s rights to immigrant rights to environmentalism to LGBTQ rights, all have been incorporated into her activism. As she recently told Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! Each one of our […]

Latinas and The Pill: From Racism to Bicultural Growing Pains

The Pill and condoms are my (combined) contraceptives of choice, although I have used spermicidal film inserts, spermicidal foam and the morning-after pill. I’m virtually inundated with options. But what if I had an accent? Or didn’t speak English? How would that affect my ability to obtain contraception? My own mother’s tale is telling. The […]

Lady Gaga Goes Dada

Amid all of Lady Gaga’s gender-bending and hot topic love affairs (most recently, her Phoenix concert appearance in which she bore writing on her body in protest of AZ SB1070), a work of art was madefound. I mean, made. Found…well, here it is: In an act of art historical savviness, Lady Gaga has again aligned herself with […]