Newsflash: Military Report Says Women Should Be Allowed in Combat

The Military Leadership Diversity Commission (MLDC) has released a report that, as expected, recommends allowing women in the U.S. to serve in combat. The recommendation reads (scroll to page 19) [PDF]: DoD and the Services should eliminate the “combat exclusion policies for women, including the removal of barriers and inconsistencies, to create a level playing […]

Yes, Comment! And the Femmy Goes to . . .

With the success of last week’s “Yes, Comment!” Awards, we have created what we affectionately call “The Femmys”. We will nominate the top three comments of the week, and then bring it to a vote. The winner will receive that week’s Femmy, and glory. Lots of glory. This week’s Femmy nomination for “Best Use of […]

South Dakota Votes To Triple Abortion Wait Time

Under the guise of protecting and informing women, the South Dakota State Senate voted on Wednesday 21-to-13 to pass a bill (HB 1217) that triples the current 24-hour wait time for an abortion and mandates anti-abortion counseling. During the new 72-hour wait, women seeking abortions would have to go to a pregnancy health center for […]

How Has Women’s History Touched Your Life? Tell the Ms. Blog!

For 24 years, March has been recognized nationally as Women’s History Month, celebrating the accomplishments of women and feminists in U.S. history. The theme this year is “Our History is Our Strength.” One of our missions at Ms. is to honor pioneering women–and now it’s your turn as well. Here’s the challenge: Send us your […]