2020 Democratic National Convention Roundup

2020 Democratic National Convention Roundup

Speakers—including Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, Ady Barkan, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton—addressed the public through a virtual Democratic National Convention. Speeches included pleas to vote, praises for youth involvement, recognition of empathy and calls to keep fighting.

Keeping Score: Nancy Pelosi on ‘Fumigating’ the White House

Keeping Score: Nancy Pelosi on 'Fumigating' the White House

In every issue of Ms., we track research on our progress in the fight for equality, catalogue can’t-miss quotes from feminist voices and keep tabs on the feminist movement’s many milestones. We’re Keeping Score online, too—in in this biweekly round-up.

This week: the death of civil rights activist and Congressman John Lewis; a pattern of misogyny among conservative thinkers; Rosie the Riveter is back at it; Greta Thunberg’s big donation; Army Reserve will be led by a woman for the first time ever; Cal State undergrads must take an ethnic studies or social justice class; Latinos became the largest group of accepted prospective freshmen at the University of California; women delaying pregnancy; and more.