Losing Roe v. Wade Is a Matter of Global Significance

Where we have tended to divide the United States artificially from the rest of the globe on issues of human rights, we can do so no longer. When Roe falls here, it will reverberate around the world. And as country after country laps us on the route to progress, that will reverberate here in turn.

Maybe in the wake of Roe’s demise, we will take inspiration from our global colleagues and muster, at long last, the collective resolve needed to craft a permanent legislative solution preserving the right to choose safe abortion.

Cancer and COVID: Avoiding Delays In Treatment and Research Saves Lives and Families—Including Mine

Decreased screening rates and fear of COVID has delayed cancer diagnoses for many, delaying treatment and possibly worsening outcomes for cancer patients. Pandemic related reduction of cancer research and treatment threatens to derail future efforts to find more effective detection and treatment methods. Similar to COVID-19, the disparities have disproportionately impacted communities of color.

Cervical Cancer: A Map of Inequity

As a lifetime advocate for women and women’s health, I know that we must take on cervical cancer with the same passion and impatience that we did with maternal mortality and HIV. How to do this twenty years later is a question I am struggling with.