If Men Had Miscarriages

There are approximately 6 million pregnancies in the U.S. each year, and more than a million of those end in loss. A million. Every year.

Despite this unfortunate prevalence, there is no support infrastructure in place for people going through pregnancy loss. I realized this when I went through it myself.

Our (Sick) System of Sick Leave, Maternity Leave and Family Leave

There are no federal laws guaranteeing sick leave or maternity leave for employees in the United States.

And on the subject of paid parental leave, once again, the U.S. lags behind the world. Out of 193 countries in the United Nations, only a handful lack a national paid parental leave: New Guinea, Suriname, a few South Pacific island nations—and the United States.

It’s up to women to pose the hard questions and determine wheth­er a candidate supports family-friendly work­places or not.

California Bill Would Protect New Parents at Work

Legislation extending protected paid family leave to smaller businesses, allowing parents to spend time caring for their new children without fearing for the security of their jobs, has cleared the state Senate in California and is now being heard by the State Assembly’s Labor Committee.