Long before there were such things as hashtags, Sylvia Plath reckoned with the same issues taking center stage in the #MeToo movement.
Sylvia Plath was a poet and novelist, best known for The Colossus and Other Poems and The Bell Jar. Plath is revered as a feminist icon across the globe for her role as a “confessional poet,” paving the way for future women to write deep, meaningful pieces as reflections of their lives.
“Is the pen a metaphorical penis? Literary paternity implies ownership!” When I pulled my well-worn copy of Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar’s 1979 classic The Madwoman in the Attic off the shelf the other day, I found these words scrawled across a Post-it, tucked inside its pages. Not in my handwriting (most likely written by […]
For us Ms. editors, by far the most rewarding part of the Ms. Blog has been reading the comments. Since we’re used to sending out a magazine into the void every three months and waiting with bated breath for letters to the editor, it’s been revelatory to hear back directly–instantly!–from Ms. readers. To be sure, […]
On our way to high school recently, I asked my friend, “Do you consider yourself a feminist?” After a slight hesitation, she responded, “Well, I support women’s rights and all, but I’m no bra burner.” Besides the fact that the bra-burning story is apocryphal, I was surprised by her answer. Is that what feminism meant […]