The Ms. Book Club community event series brings authors and activists together for intimate conversations around recently-released work that shifts consciousness. Click here to sign up for alerts about our upcoming events.
Past Picks and Meeting Notes
Summer 2019: Nicole Dennis Benn’s PATSY
Lambda Literary Award-winning author Nicole Dennis-Benn joined Ms. Managing Digital Editor Carmen Rios for a conversation about her latest novel, Patsy, and the ways it explores motherhood, the immigrant experience and gender and queerness. Hosted at Ms. HQ, the event featured custom cocktails from Celestial Tequila, and interactive conversation with the audience and a book signing.
Spring 2019: Cherríe Moraga’s Native Country of the Heart
Cherríe Moraga joined Ms. Digital Editor Carmen Rios for a conversation about her intimate double-memoir chronicling her own coming-of-age alongside the story of her mother’s life. Hosted at Ms. HQ, the event featured custom cocktails from Yola Mezcal, an interactive conversation with the audience and a book signing.