Investing in girls and young women is essential to creating a more just and equitable world—yet adolescent girls around the world often remain invisible, silenced and ignored.
Author: Sarah Gammage
Dr. Sarah Gammage is an economist with more than 25 years of experience as researcher and feminist economist, providing policy advice and supporting strategic advocacy on gender equality in Latin America, Africa and Asia. She is the senior director, Gender, Economic Empowerment and Livelihoods at the International Center for Research on Women.
Missing the Mark: Gender Equality and Women’s Rights at the G20
The G20 simply cannot afford to leave women off the agenda and rely on the markets alone to resolve inequality.
There Is No Women’s Economic Empowerment Without Reproductive Empowerment
We urge Ivanka Trump and the Trump Administration to recognize that health, education and reproductive rights are fundamental building blocks of economic empowerment.
Imported to Care
How can we resolve this apparent conundrum that care work is valuable, important and increasingly in demand yet is too often is rewarded with low wages and associated with poor working conditions and long hours?