Core public health work—the ability to find people with the virus and prevent them from passing it on—will be essential to reopening schools and businesses. We spoke with more than two dozen experts to get their thoughts on what public health resources are needed to reopen the economy.
Author: Anna Maria Barry-Jester
Anna Maria Barry-Jester is an enterprise reporter focusing on health disparities, public health and health care. She was previously a reporter with FiveThirtyEight, Univision and ABC News, and a freelance photographer and videographer. Her reporting on firearm deaths for FiveThirtyEight won the 2017 Communications Award from National Academies of Sciences. An investigation into an international epidemic of chronic kidney disease for the Center for Public Integrity won awards from the Society of Professional Journalists, the Sidney Hillman Foundation and the Society for Environmental Journalists. She has a master’s degree in public health from Columbia University and is a native of Michigan.