A Call To Action: Reestablishment Of The U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission

The U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission—a binational effort established to address health concerns in border communities—was defunded by the Trump administration in 2017.

As COVID-19 has had a devastating impact in border cities, the need for Congress or the Biden administration to reestablish the commission is more clear than ever.

How Trump’s “Makeshift” COVID-19 Response Worsened the Border Crisis

At the U.S.-Mexico border, COVID-19 has amplified and magnified fractured health care systems on both sides.

Considering the border region’s unique vulnerabilities and the need for close binational cooperation in meeting the border’s public health challenges, you’d think the U.S. government would support an agency it designed just for this purpose. But no. The Department of Health and Human Services dumped the U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission (BHC) in 2017.