Renowned Moroccan sociologist, author and Arab Muslim feminist Fatima Mernissi died on November 30 in Rabat, Morocco. She was 75. Born in 1940 in a harem in Fez to an affluent family, Mernissi attended Quranic and nationalist schools, followed by graduate studies in sociology at Mohammed V University in Rabat, and the Sorbonne. In 1973, […]
Author: Gayatri Devi
Dr. Gayatri Devi is associate professor of English and women’s studies at Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania. A founding member of the campus women’s center, the HOPE Center, she has also served as the elected faculty coordinator of the Women and Gender Studies program.
Why Campus Women’s Centers Matter
The National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) recently changed its bylaws, effectively removing the dedicated seats for women’s center professionals from the governing council of the organization. In their November 20 resignation letter to the NWSA, the co-chairs of the NWSA Women’s Centers Committee, Gina Helfrich and Adale Sholock, noted that the removal of “formal representation of […]