We Heart: France!

April 1 marked the beginning of free abortion in France (no fooling!). As mandated by the new law, the country will now reimburse all abortions 100 percent, as well as provide free contraception for girls ages 15-18. The law also doubles the fees paid to hospitals that provide abortions, as incentive to perform the procedure […]

“Half the Sky” Turns a Well-Known Book into Facebook Game

In celebration of Women’s History Month, esteemed journalists Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn have announced the release of the most recent addition to their Half the Sky Movement—on Facebook. Half the Sky Movement: The Game is based off real-world situations that affect women and girls in developing countries, and each challenge that players unlock will […]

Malala Yousafzai Goes Back to School

Yesterday, marked the triumphant return of Malala Yousafzai to school for the first time since her attempted assassination last October. Malala, 15, has made an almost miraculous recovery from being shot in the head and neck while riding home in a car from school. Released from a hospital in Birmingham, England, earlier this month, Malala […]

Associated Press Honors Marriage Equality—Finally

On February 11, the Associated Press (AP) accidentally revealed a bias in its policy regarding the treatment of same-sex marriages in print. The memo—intended for internal circulation only—revealed that the popular AP stylebook suggests that journalists use the terms “partner(s)” or “couples” when describing same-sex marriages or civil unions, rather than “husband” or “wife”. The leaked memo sparked immediate […]

France Clears Another Hurdle in Marriage Equality

Marriage equality has nearly arrived in France! This past Tuesday, a bill that would legalize both marriage and adoption for same-sex couples passed through the lower parliament (the National Assembly) by a vote of 329 to 229. The bill must now pass through the Senate, where the final decision will be made on April 2. […]

New LGBT Health Journal on Horizon

This fall an LGBT-specific health journal will launch, the first of its kind. LGBT Health will be peer-reviewed, addressing the unique issues LGBT individuals face under the current healthcare system and cultural atmosphere. Publisher Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. hopes to draw support and awareness of LGBT healthcare both in the United States and worldwide. Editor-in-Chief […]

Don’t Say Gay. Seriously.

In 2011, Tennessee State Sen. Stacey Campfield (R) introduced Senate Bill 49, which would have made it illegal for teachers to mention or discuss anything not in line with heterosexual behavior in grades pre-K-8. Nicknamed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, the preposterous legislation thankfully was dropped from consideration. After much debate, lawmakers in Tennessee finally […]