We <3 McGill University for Reclaiming the "F-Word"

No, Limbaugh and your like, you can no longer label feminists as typical “bra-burning, butch, bitchy, feminazi” women. The Feminist Collective of the Law School of McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, is here to prove the wide diversity of feminism with their new campaign, “McGill Law Feminists.

The campaign collected photographs of McGill staff, faculty and students of all different religions, races, ethnicities and genders, all declaring themselves as feminists. McGill is reclaiming the word from those who, over the years, have changed “feminism” to the “f-word“, reprimanding women (and men) as if they’ve cursed.

Here is a look at some McGill Law’s feminists. To see the whole campaign, check out their Tumblr:







Photos courtesy of McGill Faculty of Law




Lindsey O’Brien is a 21-year-old journalist, and she is a FEMINIST. Follow her on Twitter





Lindsey O'Brien is currently studying journalism at Ohio University and interning at Ms. Follow her on Twitter.