Don’t Ms.: The Written Bird, Circumstance and Much More!

Another week, another cornucopia of great feminist events. From rallies and readings to performances and art, get your fill of feminist fun:

Philadelphia: It’s the last week to see Also, Books, a collection of art and books by four talented women: Lizz Hickey, Caroline Hwang, Aidan Koch and Beth Heinly. The collection features comic art, graphic novels, prints and a performance of Celebrity Fitness Hour by Heinly, who blogs: “I hope to create an authentic spectacle using the idioms of a fake world via celebrity.” Catch the performance on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 6 p.m., and visit the exhibit Monday through Friday, Aug. 22 – 26, Space 1026, 026 Arch St.

New York: “From her 4th grade construction-paper and paper-fastener-bound school report on Benjamin Franklin to the latest issue of Adventures in Menstruating, join U.S.-born, Brit-residing Chella Quint and friends for some comedy readings. …” Zine Girl, You’ll Be A Woman Soon explores Quint’s life growing up writing zines. Thursday, Aug. 25, 7 p.m., Bluestockings Cafe & Activist Center, 172 Allen Street.

San Francisco: After SlutWalk San Francisco earlier this month, you might wonder how to you can continue to speak out against sexism. Wonder no more: Join SlutWalk … Continued to gather and talk about practical ways to fight sexism. Thursday, Aug. 25, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., El Cafetazo, 3087 16th St.

Limited Release: Winner of a 2011 Sundance Film Festival award, Circumstance is hitting the big screen. The story takes place in contemporary Iran in the underground world of youth culture, filled with underground parties, drugs, sex and disobedience. Meanwhile, two young women discover love and struggle with unconventional desires and the limits placed upon them by their traditional culture. Read the Ms. review to learn more. Opens Friday, Aug 26. Check local listings for showtimes.

Dallas: Do you find yourself constantly defending reproductive rights? Join SPEAK OUT FIGHT BACK: Rally Against the War on Women, hosted by Join the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance, Radical Alliance for Gender Equality and others. The rally is a chance to network and make your voice heard. Saturday, Aug. 27 , 5 – 6:30 p.m., JFK Memorial Plaza, 646 Main Street.

New York: I want to wake up in the city that doesn’t sleep this weekend for a sweet two-day event sponsored by For the Birds feminist collective and distro, called The Written Bird. It will include feminist workshops, readings, zine sharing and a bookswap.  Saturday, Aug. 27, 1 – 5 p.m. WORD Brooklyn, 126 Franklin St, Brooklyn; Sunday, Aug. 28, 7 p.m. reading at Bluestockings Cafe & Activist Center, 172 Allen Street, New York City.

Los Angeles: The Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Project is putting on a Ready For Our Close-Up weekend full of readings of four original plays by women. On Sunday, you can also catch a singing performance by Queer as Folk actor Thea Gill, followed by a stage reading of That Takes Ovaries: Bold Women, Brazen Acts by Rivka Solomon and Bobbi Ausubel. Sunday, Aug. 28, 1 p.m., Stella Adler Theater, 6773 Hollywood Blvd.

Photo of zines from Flickr user kate* under Creative Commons 2.0.


Sarah is a visual journalism student at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Wash. She has a near obsession with ending injustice and is a sucker for a good cause.