Reprinted with permission from Autostraddle Amber Rose’s SlutWalk in Los Angeles Saturday brought together hundreds of survivors and allies in the fight to end rape culture, victim-blaming and slut-shaming. But […]
Tag: Slutwalk
SlutWalk is a transnational rally, march, protest and movement aimed at highlighting the prevalence of victim-blaming, rape-culture, street harassment and sexual violence. It emerged in 2011 following a Toronto police officer’s remarks saying that “women should avoid dressing like sluts” to prevent being sexually assaulted.
Amber Rose Shares Her First Memory of Slut-Shaming, and it’s Brutal
Model, author, businesswoman, feminist. However you know her, Amber Rose seems to be everywhere right now. From her forthcoming book, How to Be a Bad Bitch, to her FunnyOrDie video taking down […]
How to Have a Feminist Halloween
A report from England … Walking around one of Manchester’s most prominent fancy dress shops recently I was horrified at the outfits it had to offer. It’s not that the […]
Scenes from SlutWalk LA 2012
Slutitude. What is it? That was the question posed to a crowd Sunday afternoon crammed in a tiny studio space behind, of all places, the Chick-fil-A on Sunset Boulevard in […]
Should We Ban “Slut” and “Ho” From the Lexicon?
I must commend Sandra Fluke, like so many others have already done, for rightly condemning “shock jock” Rush Limbaugh’s efforts in silencing women who dare to speak publicly about sexual […]
It’s a Dress, Not a Yes
“It’s a dress, not a yes,” is a rallying cry at the SlutWalk marches, which demand an end to rape and victim blaming. The movement started in January 2011, when […]
Am I Troy Davis? A Slut?
1. On September 21, 2011, I joined hundreds of my friends and millions of people around the world to watch, through tears and in abject horror, as Troy Anthony Davis was executed […]
Thoughts on SlutWalk from a Wheelchair
As a sexual violence prevention educator, I find hope in the grassroots activism and passion that radiates from SlutWalk. Anything that gets people talking, that breaks down the myths and […]
#OccupyWallStreet, SlutWalk NYC and Racial Blind Spots: Editors’ Picks, 10/2-10/8
Progressive and feminist activists were in the national spotlight this week as they took to the streets of cities and towns across the country in protest of corporate greed and […]
Woman is the “N” of the World?
In 1969, Yoko Ono coined the phrase, and I quote, “Woman is the N****R of the World.” Shortly thereafter, she and her husband, the late John Lennon, wrote and he recorded a song with that […]