Are You #WhatAFeministLooksLike? Show Us!

Back in the spring of 2003, feminist activists and actors Whoopi Goldberg, Camryn Manheim, Margaret Cho and Ashley Judd donned the Feminist Majority Foundation’s famous “This Is What a Feminist Looks Like” t-shirts and showed them off in the pages of Ms. (Get your t-shirt here.)

Since then, comedian Sarah Silverman, actor Amy Brenneman and others have worn the shirt, and we even put President Obama in the t-shirt on our Winter 2009 Ms. cover.

Feminism is clearly having a moment right now (ahem, Beyoncé) and we think it’s time once again for self-proclaimed feminists to wear the f-word with pride!

We’ve been calling out celebrity feminists including Emma WatsonJoseph Gordon-Levitt, Taylor Swift and Lena Dunham on Twitter and asking them to show us #WhatAFeministLooksLike by wearing our fabulous tee.

But we don’t just want to see these stars in our shirts—we want to see YOU! Order your “This Is What A Feminist Looks Like” t-shirt today then snap a photo of yourself wearing it. Share it with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #WhatAFeministLooksLike and we’ll repost it.

Help us to continue to challenge negative stereotypes about what it means to be a feminist and show your pride. Show the world #WhatAFeministLooksLike!

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