Just moments after receiving NARAL’s Lifetime Achievement award as the organization celebrated its 50th anniversary in Washington, D.C. this week, Hillary Clinton remarked on the gravity of the day—speaking just a few hours after the dramatic House hearings that marked the real beginning of the impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump.
In a room with many of the women elected to the House in 2018, Clinton praised Speaker Nancy Pelosi for how she had handled the “sobering decision she had to make” to open the probe. “Now she must proceed with an impeachment inquiry into a president who has betrayed his oath of office to defend the Constitution,” Clinton observed, declaring that “the occupant of the White House poses a clear and present danger to our future.”
Clinton knows the inner workings of an impeachment hearing all too well—and from all sides. “I worked on the Nixon impeachment inquiry, all those years ago, as a very young lawyer, just out of law school,” Clinton explained. “One of my jobs was listening very carefully and transcribing the tapes of President Nixon’s phone calls and conversations in various parts of the White House.”
The irony of the moment wasn’t lost on Clinton, who added: I truly have a life you cannot make up.”