New Playbooks Help Parents Approach Sex Ed From Home

New Playbooks Help Parents Approach Sex Ed From Home
As homeschooling becomes the new normal amid the COVID-19 lockdown, many parents feel daunted by the prospect of sitting their children down for a cringe-worthy installment of The Talk. Cue: Bloom Homeschooling Playbooks.

Over the past few months, there have been dozens of changes in the ways that we live, work and learn.

On top of working from home, working in essential services and adjusting to our new normal, many parents—especially mothers—now find themselves with more responsibility to supervise their children’s learning in a hands-on way.

But while homeschooling is vital to help flatten the pandemic’s curve, some parents are afraid that certain subjects may slip through the cracks—especially sex ed. 

The parents behind Bloom Science know that having “The Talk” with your kids can be a daunting prospect. That’s why, for years, the company has been dedicated to creating resources to help parents approach sex ed talks at home, and are now introducing several homeschooling playbooks.

“We are all spending a lot of time at home with our families right now. It’s gotten a lot of parents thinking: What are the big things I want my kids to learn from me?” said Caricia Catalini, Bloom Science co-founder. “For me, I want my daughters to learn to be empathic and loving, be curious while also staying safe, and in awe of what their own bodies are capable of. So many of us want that for their kids.”

Bloom’s resources come in three volumes, each aimed at different age groups, from 5 to 12. Each contains three playbooks, designed to help start conversations about the most important aspects of sex ed:

  • empathy, which focuses on relationships and emotional intelligence;
  • safety, which discusses human rights, boundaries and digital safety; and
  • biology, centered around anatomy, reproduction and puberty. 

(Think: Less “birds and the bees,” more actual bodies and boundaries.)

New Playbooks Help Parents Approach Sex Ed From Home

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Of course, comprehensive sex education is something that even in-person classes often fail to provide: In the U.S., 29 states require abstinence be stressed in sex ed programs, and only nine require they be LGBTQ inclusive. Many curriculums leave out consent entirely, instead focusing on the “dangers” of premarital sex, or only discussing reproductive anatomy.

The Bloom Playbooks aim to help parents start age-appropriate conversations with their kids about consent, relationships, sexuality and gender identity.

These comprehensive sex ed topics are essential to raising children who will be able to approach sexuality responsibly and safely. They will be equipped with the tools they need to have healthy, respectful conversations and relationships in the future.

In fact, this type of education can be lifesaving: Comprehensive sex ed has been shown to reduce unwanted pregnancies, sexual assault and risky sexual behaviors throughout a person’s lifetime.

The Kickstarter to print and distribute the playbooks launches on Wednesday, May 20.

New Playbooks Help Parents Approach Sex Ed From Home


Katie Fleischer (she/they) is a Ms. editorial assistant working on the Front and Center series and Keeping Score.