Liberating Words: Untitled (A Poem About Me)

The poems in our ongoing “Liberating Words” series were written in an interdisciplinary course for high school juniors at The Winsor School, an all-girls school in Boston, Mass. The course, “The Personal Is Political: An Interdisciplinary Look at Feminism,” is co-taught by Libby Parsley, a History teacher, and Susanna Ryan, an English teacher. The second unit of the course focuses on the history and literature of second-wave feminism—the women’s liberation movement of the 1960’s and 70’s. Students read a compilation of poems by women writers from that period and then wrote their own poems; the assignment asked them to represent an issue or problem they see as central to 21st-century women’s experience through the very personal genre of poetry.

by Namuna Baatar

Name: Namuna

“A Poem about Me”

i’m king of the world!
i   like dinosaurs
i   like space
i like running
and i like to race
all the boys can’t keep up with me

in the crafts room
i am bored
i see blue mats
and i build a fort
haha i rule the kingdom with an iron fist


Name: Namuna A girl

“A Poem about Me a girl

i’m king of the world! a pretty little girl.
i   like dinosaurs princesses
i   like space pink
i like running sitting
and i like to race bake
all the boys can’t keep up with me like my cake

I am a   in the crafts room
i am bored a house broom
i see blue mats wear a costume
and i build a fort prepare for my groom
He will haha i rule the kingdom with an iron fist and kiss me and                                      
i’ll be His perfume


Grade for Original Poem: Failure
New Grade for Revised Poem: Not Good Enough

Namuna Baatar is a junior at the Winsor School who loves songwriting, fall, and Stranger Things.



Lia Kornmehl is a junior at the Winsor School who is passionate about jazz music, milk chocolate, and equal opportunities for women in the workplace.