About the Event| Sponsorship Levels | About our Panelists
Fearless Feminist Sponsor: $50,000
Lifetime Ms. membership for sponsor and their registered guests. Most prominent recognition in all event materials. Special recognition in 48th Anniversary issue of Ms. An invitation to private campaign briefings and access to newsletter updates and post-election analysis.
Equal Rights Amendment Visionary Sponsor: $25,000
Lifetime Ms. membership for sponsor and their registered guests. Prominent recognition in all event materials. Special recognition in 48th Anniversary issue of Ms. An invitation to private campaign briefings and access to newsletter updates and post-election analysis.
A Century of Votes for Women Sponsor: $10,000
Lifetime Ms. membership for sponsor and their registered guests. Special recognition in 48th Anniversary issue of Ms. An invitation to private campaign briefings and access to newsletter updates and post-election analysis.
Gender Gap Sponsor: $5,000
Lifetime Ms. membership for sponsor. Special recognition in 48th Anniversary issue of Ms. An invitation to private campaign briefings and access to newsletter updates and post-election analysis.
Equal Rights Amendment Supporter: $2,500
A Century of Votes for Women Supporter: $1,000
Gender Gap Supporter: $500
Questions? Please email Melissa at mcornejo@feminist.org
Event proceeds support Feminist Majority Foundation’s Campus Vote 2020 campaign nationwide and in key states that will mobilize college students to vote in this critically important election and will fund original Ms. magazine polling and enhanced reporting on the gender gap and women’s voting positions. Feminist Majority Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization and donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Tax ID: 54-1426440.
Sponsor contributions must be made by June 1 to be recognized in the printed Event Program sent to all registered participants. If you would like to support the Feminist Majority Foundation and join us as a Sponsor, please click here!