We All Deserve the Freedom to Control Our Bodies

Reproductive and bodily freedom is under attack like never before. Attacks on reproductive freedom and anti-trans legislation go hand in hand, as they are both about controlling which bodies are respected and who gets to make choices about their own lives. Decisions about our bodies, including abortion and gender transition, are deeply personal choices that should be made solely by the person seeking healthcare—free from political interference. 

(This essay is part of The Majority Rules project—an artful essay and op-ed series from Ms. and Supermajority Education Fund.)

The Plan Moms Have Been Waiting For

President Biden is doing what no other president has: recognizing what it takes for true equal participation in the workforce. He is investing in 3- and 4-year-old pre-K, making child care accessible and affordable, and ensuring we can take paid time off for family illness without losing our jobs. Now that’s a real jobs plan.

It’s time that Republicans in Congress get on board and join the 21st century. Women and families are counting on this help. Let’s get it done.

The Other 99 Percent

There’s not a lot we agree on in this country. And yet, there is one topic around which there is practically universal agreement: the right of women to access birth control. That’s right–99 percent of women in the U.S. who have been sexually active have used birth control. It’s used by women of every demographic, […]