Born in 1905 in Zanesville, Ohio, Cornelia Smith began her church career as Director of Christian Education for the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio. In 1933, she married the Reverend Elwood Haines, who was later elected Bishop of Iowa. In the decades following his death, she rose to national leadership in the Protestant Episcopal Church. And in the 1920’s, when my mother was a graduate student at Union Theological Seminary and Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, she marched with Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger to demand that all women gain access to contraception.
Author: Juliet Haines Mofford
Juliet Haines Mofford is a freelance author and historical researcher with 17 books in print and feature articles published in outlets including the New York Times, Boston Globe, Christian Science Monitor, Miami Herald, Chicago Tribune, Montreal Gazette, Travel/Holiday, Museum Magazine, Caribbean Beachcomber, Antiques Week, Learning Through History and American History Illustrated. She is a former professional museum educator who received her degree from Tufts University and pursued graduate studies at Boston University and Goethe Universitat in Frankfurt, Germany. Her parenthood—of three adult children and four granddaughters—was planned.