Women and survivors have nothing to gain—and often everything to lose—from speaking up about harassment, abuse and assault. That didn’t stop Alice Glass.
Author: Kylie Cheung
War on Women Report No. 17
Donald Trump’s tweets this week proved his inconsistency on the urgent issue of gun violence—and landed him in legal trouble as a lawsuit advances against his administration for their campus sexual assault policies.
And The Nominees Are: Still Mostly Men
Despite the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, Oscar remains very male.
It’s Official: Abortion is More Regulated Than Any Other Health Care Service
A new study published in the American Journal of Public Health confirmed what many reproductive rights advocates have long known: abortion is more regulated and legislated than any other health care service.
Male Supremacy Organizations are Now on SPLC’s List of Hate Groups
“The vilification of women by these groups,” SPLC declared in an announcement, “makes them no different than other groups that demean entire populations, such as the LGBT community, Muslims or Jews, based on their inherent characteristics.”
War on Women Report No. 16
While Donald Trump, Jr., was using Twitter to signal support for conspiracy theorists claiming Parkland shooting survivors are “crisis actors,” his father—the President—was using the platform to discredit a woman accusing him of sexual misconduct. Meanwhile, Trump’s administration refuses to recognize abortion as a human right and no longer sees the U.S. as “a nation of immigrants.”
Six Ways Trump’s Budget Proposal Hurts Women
Much of Trump’s budget target the same group that has been bearing the brunt of the administration’s bigotry and intolerance: women.
Sexual Assault Reports at West Point Have Doubled Since Last Year
Sexual assault isn’t unique to West Point’s campus, nor is it unique to the armed services.
Gloria Steinem Pushes Back on Borders
Los Angeles City College’s Herb Alpert Music Center came alive last week when Ms. co-founder Gloria Steinem joined activist and entrepreneur Samantha Ramirez-Herrera for a conversation about immigration.
War on Women Report No. 15
This week, the White House protected and defended another alleged serial abuser while John Kelly called immigrants lazy and Donald Trump called his critics treasonous.