Texas Has Officially Banned Most Abortions

On September 1, an unconscionably cruel abortion ban (S.B. 8) is set to go into effect in Texas.

This law is part of a three-pronged strategy by Texas lawmakers in relentless pursuit of banning abortion: ban abortion at six weeks of pregnancy and incentivize anti-abortion vigilantes; ban the most common method of abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy; and restrict medication abortion.

Fact Check: Trump Rejects UN Criticism of Using COVID-19 to Violate Reproductive Rights—Despite Evidence

The Trump administration finally responded to a statement issued by members of a United Nations panel that called out U.S. state-level anti-abortion policymakers’ manipulation of the COVID-19 crisis to restrict abortion access in a number of U.S. states.

The response letter fails to accept the specific issues documented by the UN, despite the fact that they are easily proven and backed up by a tremendous amount of evidence.