Men, Reproductive Choice Is Not Just a ‘Women’s Issue’—This Is Your Issue Too

We need to socialize men differently and create a united force of activists. Men need to be a part of the larger conversation, and work to dismantle the idea that reproductive choice is simply “a women’s problem.”

Reproductive choice is not just a women’s issue. We all are well aware that it does not take just a single person to get pregnant. If Roe falls, it will affect everyone.

What to Expect From a Biden Presidency: On LGBTQ+ Equality

What to Expect From a Biden Presidency: On LGBTQ+ Equality

President-Elect Joe Biden has pledged to pursue an aggressive plan to advance LGBTQ+ equality in the U.S. and around the world. After four years of the Trump administration rolling back LGBTQ+ rights at home and abroad, Biden has his work cut out for him.

The Biden-Harris administration plans to move the U.S. toward a government-wide focus on uplifting of LGBTQ+ people at home and abroad.