President Biden has nominated a more diverse cabinet than any other president. But a slow or difficult confirmation hearing process does more than impact the operations of the government. It has an impact on the mentoring and support of diversity inside the government. I know because I was one of them.
Author: Kelly Tzoumis
Dr. Kelly Tzoumis is a professor at DePaul University. Before entering academe, she worked in the US Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory, and Argonne National Laboratory. She also worked in the Department of Energy headquarters in Washington, DC. and was a Congressional Fellow for the US Department of Energy to former Senator Paul Simon, where she worked on environmental and science policy on Capitol Hill. Dr. Tzoumis was the Fulbright Distinguished Chair Scholar recipient in Environmental Studies (2003) and taught Environmental Treaties and Governance at the Politecnico di Torino. She is an OpEd Fellow through the Public Voices Fellowship at DePaul.