Removing Trump from The White House Will Not Fix What’s Broken in America

This anti-democratic virus is more than a passing phase; it infects the soul of our democracy and reaches well beyond Trump. The president is only a symptom of a larger, endemic problem.

A defeat of Donald Trump at the ballot box will not undo the growing mistrust of the Supreme Court and concerns about its commitment to protecting fundamental civil liberties, including voting rights.

Madame Speaker, It’s Not Just Confederate Statues That Should Go. Start with Justice Taney.

This week, Nancy Pelosi called on Congressional leadership to shed its halls of statues bearing likenesses to and honoring Confederates. Yet, for me, as a constitutional law scholar, the most troubling of the busts and statues at the Capitol is that of Chief Justice Roger B. Taney—who wrote that Blacks were “of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race.”