Last month the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case, Gonzalez v. Google LLC—the first Supreme Court case to consider the scope of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which immunizes websites from legal liability for content provided by their users.
Author: Mutale Nkonde
Mutale Nkonde is tech columnist for Ms. and founder of AI for the People, a nonprofit that seeks to use popular culture to increase support for policies to reduce algorithmic bias, and an unabashed Black feminist. Learn more about her work here. Follow her @mutalenkonde on Twitter and @mutalenkonde2 on Instagram.
ChatGPT: New Technology, Same Old Misogynoir
Machine learning inputs reflect the biases of their writers. The contributions to human history made by women, children and people who speak nonstandard English will be underrepresented by chatbots like ChatGPT.
I love technology and love it when new applications hit the market. My only wish is that AI designers ensure Black women, and all marginalized people, are fairly represented in their datasets.
Meta What? Meta Who: The Need for a Feminist Analysis of the Facebook Metaverse
It’s no suprise that Meta, the company behind Facebook and Instagram, isn’t protecting women and people of color from virtual abuse.