Q&A: How Intersectional Poetry Can Inspire Young Girls To Be Themselves

Ms. writer Shanta Lee Gander recently talked with Diana Whitney about the ways her poetry anthology “You Don’t Have to Be Everything” encourages non-binary, trans and cis-gendered girls to bravely and boldly be themselves.

“Poetry is having a moment right now, and I hope it’s not just a moment. We turn to poetry in times of emotional need, and in times of collective crisis.”

What We Must Learn from Lucy Terry Prince

This is the story of a freed landowning slave woman from the 1700’s that has become an ever-more-timely instruction for all of us about the power of voice, the human imperative to witness and the reminder that we all must address injustice even when the stakes are high.

My Hair, My Self

A few weeks ago, I went with my friend Stacey to pick up her daughter from school. As my friend’s daughter, Elizabeth, and two of her friends, Sarah and Lydia, piled into the backseat, Stacey told her daughter that the stuff they’d ordered for her hair had come in the mail. Elizabeth excitedly opened the […]

Use Hair Extensions, Get a Man?

In TV Guide Network’s Reality Chat, one of the hosts asks Bravo TV’s The Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger, I love how honest you are. Do any of these women ever talk back and say, ‘Excuse me, but I’m an Amazon, or ‘I don’t want to put in hair extensions’? What do you say to them? Without […]