What Georgia Teaches Us About the Problems With Winner-Take-All Elections

What Georgia Teaches Us About the Problems With Winner-Take-All Elections

Close elections may be more thrilling—just ask the spectators in ancient arenas, we suppose—but they are not inherently more democratic. In fact, close races in a changing state like Georgia are exactly where voter suppression can be expected to pay the greatest dividends.

Why not just have a system that flexibly adapts to demographic and political changes, and is able to represent all voters?

Stay Alert Until Every Vote Is Counted: A U.S. Election Observer’s Message

Stay Alert Until Every Vote Is Counted: A U.S. Election Observer's Message

As a career diplomat who proudly represented the United States abroad in Latin America, Europe, Central Asia and Africa, I saw firsthand how elections were stolen in repressive countries. In the days ahead, we need to make sure that every vote is counted to avoid this result at home,” writes Mark L. Asquino, the U.S. ambassador to Equatorial Guinea from 2012 to 2015, the conclusion of nearly four decades as a foreign service officer.