War on Women Report #27

The public comment period on Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’ Title IX policies has opened, the President has been tweeting up a storm and doctors rallied this week against anti-immigration policies that they say would endanger their patients.

War on Women Report No. 23

This week, reports broke detailing the Trump administration’s back-room attempts to make the U.S. a “pro-life nation” and the tie between Trump’s rhetoric and increasing acts of extremist violence. The Trump administration also continued to propogate dangerous stereotypes about immigrants and pushed legislation hurting women and families.

War on Women Report No. 22

As recordings of the president bragging about sexually assault women resurfaced in the news this week, Madeleine Albright called out his sexism. In the midst of it all, a dangerously anti-abortion and anti-contraception Trump nominee for the federal bench had her confirmation hearing.

War on Women Report No. 19

This week, the Trump administration did its best to codify policies that would hurt communities of color and literally erased queer and trans women. Meanwhile, Eric Trump tweeted about a love of guns while his father fled D.C. before the March for Our Lives arrived at his doorstep.

War on Women Report No. 18

Trump and his cabinet, staff members and surrogates were called out this week for sexist remarks and their inaction on gun violence in the wake of the Parkland shooting. His administration also quietly escalated its attack on Planned Parenthood.

War on Women Report No. 17

Donald Trump’s tweets this week proved his inconsistency on the urgent issue of gun violence—and landed him in legal trouble as a lawsuit advances against his administration for their campus sexual assault policies.