Dr. Hannah Croasdale, Dartmouth’s First Tenured Woman Faculty Member: ‘Tell Them to Be Quiet and Wait’

In 1935, Dr. Hannah Croasdale started a new job at Dartmouth College—before the college accepted women. Despite her Ph.D., Croasdale started as a lab technician. To women of that generation, the whole world was a boys’ club. She finally received tenure—the first woman to do so at Dartmouth—almost three decades later.

I came to know Croasdale’s story my first summer at Dartmouth. I was never asked to be grateful for admission to a school like Dartmouth, even though I was in the first 50 classes of women.

Keeping Score: 35% of Women Cannot Survive Without $600 Unemployment Aid

In every issue of Ms., we track research on our progress in the fight for equality, catalogue can’t-miss quotes from feminist voices and keep tabs on the feminist movement’s many milestones. We’re Keeping Score online, too—in in this biweekly round-up.

This week: Kamala Harris has become the second Democratic woman to become a vice presidential nominee; the late John Lewis challenges us to love; U.S. District Judge Esther Salas on the tragedy that left her son murdered; the Abortion is Health Care Everywhere Act of 2020, which would repeal the Helms Amendment, is introduced in Congress; 35 percent of women respondents report that they cannot survive a month without the federal $600 per week unemployment aid; and more.

Keeping Score: Nancy Pelosi on ‘Fumigating’ the White House

In every issue of Ms., we track research on our progress in the fight for equality, catalogue can’t-miss quotes from feminist voices and keep tabs on the feminist movement’s many milestones. We’re Keeping Score online, too—in in this biweekly round-up.

This week: the death of civil rights activist and Congressman John Lewis; a pattern of misogyny among conservative thinkers; Rosie the Riveter is back at it; Greta Thunberg’s big donation; Army Reserve will be led by a woman for the first time ever; Cal State undergrads must take an ethnic studies or social justice class; Latinos became the largest group of accepted prospective freshmen at the University of California; women delaying pregnancy; and more.

Keeping Score: Why Are COVID Response Teams Dominated by Men?

In every issue of Ms., we track research on our progress in the fight for equality, catalogue can’t-miss quotes from feminist voices and keep tabs on the feminist movement’s many milestones. We’re Keeping Score online, too—in in this biweekly round-up.

This week: support for female service members and veterans; first Black woman named senior vice president and publisher at Simon & Schuster; Mary Trump’s bombshell tell-all; the first female Green Beret—and more.