With rare exceptions, girls who want to play the same football games as their male peers will need parents and schools who are willing to fight for their right to equal play.
Author: Juliet Abram
Juliet Abram is a Boston-based writer and research analyst focused on sociology and healthcare. Her works has appeared in Cleveland’s PressureLife magazine, Psychology Today and The Fix. She is also a poet, blogger, fiction writer, illustrator and artist.
John Kasich’s Parting Gift to Women in Ohio Was This Abortion Ban
One week before Christmas, Ohio Governor John Kasich gave the women in his state a strange gift: He made the most common abortion procedure illegal, with exceptions only in cases where the woman’s health or life was at stake, and not for rape or incest.
Parkland’s Menstrual Equity Moment
In an unexpected way, a much-mocked solution at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in the wake of a school shooting sparked a conversation around menstrual stigma—redefining the terms of “conceal and carry.”