Senators Lindsey Graham, Bill Cassidy, Dean Heller and Ron Johnson have launched a last-ditch effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act—and it’s the most egregious attempt yet.
Author: Jessica Merino
The War on Women Report: No. 3
This week, the Trump administration lashed out at a Black woman journalist, spread falsehoods about voting rights, nominated more men but no women as U.S. attorneys, met with anti-choice lobbyists and filed papers to further clear up Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s record.
This Week in the War on Women
This week, the Trump administration escalated attacks on survivors of campus sexual assault, immigrant communities, women workers and the poor.
118-Mile March to Confront White Supremacy Reclaims Farragut Square in D.C.
Roughly 1,000 people arrived in D.C. Wednesday evening and reclaimed Farragut Square to launch “wave after wave of nonviolent civil disobedience demanding Trump be removed from office and that an agenda be advanced that heals the wounds of white supremacy.”
#HereToStay: The Fight to Defend DACA Isn’t Over
While the threat to end DACA has been looming for weeks, the program is still in place today. The resistance, once again, is working, but we must keep fighting.
This Week in the War on Women: Report #1
The War on Women is back, and in full force under the Trump administration. We refuse to go back, and we refuse to let the administration quietly dismantle the progress we’ve made. We are watching. Welcome to the War on Women Report.
The Trump Administration Just Scrapped an Obama-Era Equal Pay Rule
President Trump on Tuesday suspended an Obama-era rule that would have required businesses to report how much they pay workers—broken down by race, gender and ethnicity.
Today is the Day: Defend Women’s Health in Texas!
Currently under consideration by the Department of Health and Human Services is the so-called Healthy Texas Women program, which will allow Texas to ban Medicaid funding for providers who offer abortion care—such as Planned Parenthood. You can help fight the policy—but time is running out.
Women Have Poorer Health Outcomes in States With Anti-Abortion Laws
As the war on women’s bodily autonomy escalates, a new study is a stark reminder that it isn’t just a war for women’s rights—it’s a battle for women’s lives.
A Moral Matter
Thousands of American nuns have come together to oppose Congressional efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, demonstrating that they are an indomitable force with a popular position that demands recognition.