Kamala Harris Is Older, Wiser … and Cooler

Kamala Harris has rapidly assumed the mantel of cool, youthful candidate. Among Gen Z, she is “brat,” with Charli XCX, Olivia Rodrigo and Beyoncé lining up fast for the cause. Among the older crowd, longstanding debate over whether the vice president qualifies as a Baby Boomer—born in 1964, she is just on the cusp—rages on. It is apparently a hill Gen X is prepared to die on, citing her penchant for Chuck Taylors as proof.

Either way, at nearly 60 years old, Harris has achieved what might have seemed impossible before this moment: She has changed the perception of what it looks and sounds like to be a vibrant and capable “older” woman. We see a woman who radiates from the certainty of age and of knowing herself. Quite frankly, it is a gorgeous sight.

Menopause Went Prime Time at the Super Bowl. Now the Federal Government Must Step Up

Menopause has been sorely neglected by the mainstream medical establishment, by lawmakers, by employers and by just about everyone. As a result, millions of women are left to navigate its most debilitating symptoms with little support.

Menopause is clearly having a prime-time moment—and we think that’s worth cheering. We challenge the National Institutes for Health to design and launch a modern initiative to assert the long-term benefits of hormone therapy and accurately assess its risks.