Women Comedians You Should Be Watching This Summer

The season three finale of Inside Amy Schumer aired last week, so we know some of you may feel starved for seriously funny—and feminist—TV. We’re here to help! Enjoy our mix of stand-up comedians, actors and YouTube stars as you wait for Schumer’s triumphant return.   Photo of Cameron Esposito courtesy of Flickr user Erin Nekervis, licensed under Creative Commons 2.0.

Movers, Shakers and “Makers”

Beginning tonight, six new documentaries in the Makers series (a project of AOL) will be broadcast weekly on PBS. Each one focuses on “women who are trailblazers and have served as groundbreakers in their fields.” The new docs are follow-ups to last year’s three-part documentary on the women’s movement, Makers: Women Who Make America. The […]

Blog Roundup: Editors’ Picks, June 14-18

Ms. brings you our faves from the blogosphere during June 14-18: from mail-order wombs to American Apparel’s employee manual to Margaret Cho! From Jezebel: Master sleazeball and American Apparel CEO Dov Charney offers a flimsy rejoinder following the recent s**t-storm over his company’s elaborate and creepy photo-vetting hiring process, chronically grotesque ad campaigns and bizarrely […]