Denver’s branch of Goodwill Industries, the thrift-store chain that has always positioned itself as a helping hand to diverse communities across the U.S., recently launched a new series of advertisements with the slogan “The Goodwill Effect.” Riding my bike last week in the city, I came across the following billboard for the campaign: “She discovered […]
Author: Bree Davies
Bree Davies is a journalist, musician, lover, ally and activist from Denver, Colorado. She has a degree in journalism from Metropolitan State College and has been enamored with women's roles in music since she saw her first concert, Hole, in 1994. She has been writing since she was four years old, and playing bass guitar since she was fourteen. Bree has toured the country with her band, Night of Joy, and writes daily for Denver's local alternative publication. Not discovering her feminist voice until her mid-twenties, Bree has been catching up on speaking out ever since.
Support Titwrench!
Last week, Denver, Colorado’s annual all ages, women-centered music and arts festival, Titwrench, reached its Kickstarter goal of $3,000. But the community-based, DIY event still needs your help. Sprung from a living-room conversation between friends about feminism, Titwrench is now heading into its third year and has grown into a four-day festival of underrepresented artists […]