“A little while before we went into lockdown, a boy in my class came up to me and said that his dad told him to stay away from Chinese people,” said The Linda Lindas’ drummer Mila, 10, into her microphone. “After I told him I was Chinese, he backed away from me. Eloise and I wrote this song about that experience.”
Author: Michael Herrera
Sabrina Chap Explores Queer Heartache in Latest Album
“Queer heartbreak is so much more subtle and unnameable when you’re not out. When your love is not seen as valid by the world you live in, it’s harder to express heartbreak,” says Sabrina Chap, whose latest album “Postcards from the Rearview Mirror” tells the heartbreaking story of two queer teenagers on a cross-country journey.
Support for Black Trans Rights Echoes Across the Country
Black trans women face disproportionate rates of violence nationwide. This week’s round of protests showed up for them.
Powerful Statements from Leading U.S. Officials on Racism and Police Brutality
The U.S.—currently fighting two pandemics: coronavirus and racism—is in desperate need of healing and leadership. Yet the current president, a role sometimes referred to as “mourner in chief,” refuses to lead our nation’s mourning. Luckily, other notable U.S. leaders have stepped in to express solidarity with the protestors and recognize the nation’s collective pain.
#SaveThePostOffice: In Defense of USPS
“USPS’s overall financial condition is deteriorating and unsustainable.” USPS’s board has requested $75 billion in the next coronavirus bill. Yet, Trump has threatened to veto any COVID-19 legislation that includes bailout funding for the USPS—in spite of its “essential service” status during the pandemic.
We Heart: Denver Nurses Silently Standing Up to Xenophobia
This past weekend, the stay-at-home orders set in place to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus had some small groups across the country taking to the streets to protest. However, in Denver, Colorado, some demonstrators were met with counter-protestors: healthcare workers.
The Art of Equal Pay: The Campaign to Close the Wage Gap in the Visual Arts—With a Coronavirus Relief Spin
“The Art of Equal Pay: The Campaign to Close the Wage Gap in the Visual Arts” is Pred’s year-long initiative—launching on Equal Pay Day, March 31—calling for women artists to raise their prices over the next year to close the gender wage gap for visual artists.
Elizabeth Warren Talks Sexism and Her Exit from 2020 Presidential Campaign
Elizabeth Warren’s take on gender’s role in her campaign shows how difficult it is for women to navigate themselves in the political sphere ultimately dominated by men.
Activists and House Lawmakers are Demanding That Women Workers BE HEARD
The BE HEARD Act is the first federal legislative proposal to acknowledge workplace harassment in the wake of the #MeToo movement’s explosion.
#NiUnaMas: Mexican Feminists are Renewing Their Calls for Action Against Femicide
Isabel Cabanillas de la Torre and Ingrid Escamilla were murdered in Ciudad Juarez and Mexico City within two weeks—sparking outrage across the nation and on social media.