Protecting Voting From COVID-19

U.S. democracy was already under assault from voter suppression tactics, and now the nation is challenged with holding a presidential election during a pandemic.

From now until Election Day, we will examine how the ongoing battle over voting rights will have an impact on the country’s ability to hold fair elections during a pandemic, as well as on the difference women will make as voters and candidates.

[This article originally appeared in the Fall 2020 issue of Ms. Part 2 of this report—”Protecting Voting From COVID-19: Picking a President During a Pandemic”—will be released tomorrow.]

Beijing: 25 Years Later

Beijing Conference on Women's Rights 25 Years Later, Still Celebrating Accomplishments

Adopted in 1995, the U.N.’s Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action shaped aspirations for women’s equality in the 21st century—and no amount of resistance or repression since has been able to reverse its momentum.

Inside the Fall Issue of Ms.

Inside the Fall Issue of Ms. Magazine

In our expanded Fall 2020 issue, we examine how the ongoing battle over voting rights will have an impact on the country’s ability to hold fair elections during a pandemic, as well as on the difference women will make as voters and candidates.

Join the Ms. community today and you’ll get this expanded Fall election issue delivered straight to your mailbox.