Women who work in national security and peace movements recently came together for a #DisarmThePatriarchy chat to break down and discuss issues spanning from nuclear war to the unique perspectives women bring to peace-making tables.
Hosted by Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND), a national organization mobilizing women in the fight against nuclear arms, participants included Diane Randall, Executive Secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, and Abigail Stowe-Thurston, their Program Assistant for Nuclear Weapons Policy and Pentagon Spending; Meredith Horowski, Global Zero Campaign Director; Erica Fein, Advocacy Director at Win Without War; Allison, who works with Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom’s Reaching Critical Will disarment program; and Erin Connolly, Program Assistant at the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation.
The participants answered six questions over the course of the conversations. We’ve rounded up their responses below.
#1: What’s the deal with nuclear weapons? How many exist and just how destructive are they?
A1: Possibly more disturbing than sheer quantity of #nuclear #arms are modernization processes underway to improve the kill power of these bombs. Not surprisingly, these programs cost big bucks! Our report from 2017 has more details: https://t.co/cx2ZVLaiR5 #disarmthepatriarchy
— Reaching Critical Will (@RCW_) January 22, 2018
The US has THOUSANDS of nukes ~4,500 are 'active' with ~1,700 deployed on missiles, subs, and air bases in US (and some in Europe). Each is at least as powerful as bombs dropped on Japan but most are far more destructive. https://t.co/sElrxeDKLZ #DisarmthePatriarchy (1/6)
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
Under Obama, US took some steps to reduce numbers of nukes — e.g., the New START treaty with Russia. It also tried to curb their spread, notably with historic #IranDeal which blocked all of Iran’s pathways to a bomb #DisarmthePatriarchy
(3/6)— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
It also tried to reduce role of nukes in US strategy. US nukes only for “response” to nuclear threats with small exceptions. #DisarmthePatriarchy (4/6)
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
Bottom line for 70 years we’ve lived under the shadow of nuclear annihilation. Now, under Trump, nukes are getting starring role, only making chance of use higher #DisarmthePatriarchy (6/6)
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
A1: We have almost 15,000 nuclear weapons in the world today, many 100s of times more powerful than those used to level Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many are locked, loaded, and ready to fire within minutes. #disarmthepatriarchy
— Meredith Horowski (@MereHorowski) January 22, 2018
#2: And all that power is in the hands of Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un?!
A2: 1/ 2 Deterrence theory (the notion that having nuclear weapons makes us safe from other nuclear weapons) is a myth that exists to line the pockets of defense contractors & lobbyists. Deterrence doesn’t protect us from accident, miscalculation or terrorism #disarmthepatriarchy
— Meredith Horowski (@MereHorowski) January 22, 2018
A2: .@realDonaldTrump is a perfect illustration of why we can’t rely on deterrence theory. As @BeaFihn says, if you’re not comfortable with Trump having nuclear weapons (and vast majority of Americans aren't), then you’re not comfortable with nuclear weapons. #DisarmThePatriarchy
— Meredith Horowski (@MereHorowski) January 22, 2018
A2: Trump has no doubt heightened the threat, but in reality we have been living under a nuclear patriarchy since the beginning of nuclear weapons. #DisarmthePatriarchy (1/6)
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
A2: And this is madness. @SenFeinstein once asked in a hearing: why is only women asking what happens after the bombs are dropped? (3/6) #disarmthepatriarchy
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
While zero nuclear weapons is the only way to eliminate their threat of use, there are steps we can take now. We can add checks on the president’s power (by adding Congress to approval for use process, e.g.) We can take nuclear missiles off of high alert. #DisarmthePatriarchy
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
Nukes provide the illusion of security, but countries threatening one another with total annihilation is not real security. Sooner or later, nukes will be used. I *hope* that day never comes but hope is not a solution to this menace. #DisarmthePatriarchy (6/6)
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
Lots of incredibly smart ladies talking peace, nuclear policy, and more right now over at –> #DisarmThePatriarchy
— Elizabeth Beavers (@_ElizabethRB) January 22, 2018
Yes. It is time to #DisarmthePatriarchy! @WinWithoutWar @AFSCpeace @SojoPeace @PaxChristi @UCSUSA https://t.co/d0UKhdFmyK
— Diane Randall (@dianerandall_) January 22, 2018
Very grateful to @nuclearban and @BeaFihn for their leadership is naming the need to ban nuclear weapons. @NobelPrize given for this leadership. #DisarmthePatriarchy
— Diane Randall (@dianerandall_) January 22, 2018
Great discussions underway now!! Look for #DisarmthePatriarchy to learn more about riding our planet of #nuclear weapons – and how women are leading the way! https://t.co/DpbZQPUa8r
— Allison Pytlak (@a_pytlak) January 22, 2018
Question Three: Why #DisarmThePatriarchy? Why women?
We @FCNL stand with @WomensAction | Who do we need to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons? #disarmthepatriarchy
— Jim Cason (@jimcason) January 22, 2018
A3: Historically women have organized against the threat of nukes. Women Strike for Peace in the 1960s looked a lot like the @womensmarch of today in that it was an organic movement of women fed up with country’s dangerous direction. #DisarmthePatriarchy 2/
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
A3: Check out a short @WomensAction piece on Women Strike for Peace: https://t.co/4EPkOp5CuN #DisarmthePatriarchy 4/
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
A3:1/ Nuclear weapons are the epitome of capitalist, white supremacist patriarchy. They exist for those in power to wield it over the powerless, hold the world hostage with no decision making over weapons designed to wipe them off the map. And corporations make billions from it.
— Meredith Horowski (@MereHorowski) January 22, 2018
A3: 2/ Women & people of color have been leading the fight against nuclear weapons since their invention. We’ve white-washed that history. Today nuclear weapons are seen as an elite, inaccessible issue gate kept largely by white men. #DisarmThePatriarchy
— Meredith Horowski (@MereHorowski) January 22, 2018
A3: 3/ To change that, we need to listen to women, empower them, give them a seat at the table. Or get out of the way. Because we're coming and we won't be silenced. #DisarmThePatriarchy
— Meredith Horowski (@MereHorowski) January 22, 2018
A3: Women have always been at forefront of this movement. We led the campaign against #nuclear testing in the US by sharing contaminated baby teeth and were active in 1980s NuclearFreeze movement. In 2017, @WILPF hosted the "Women’s March to Ban the Bomb" #DisarmthePatriarchy
— Reaching Critical Will (@RCW_) January 22, 2018
Indeed. See some examples here: "Nuclear Weapons: Who Pays, Who Profits" #DisarmThePatriarchy https://t.co/Uv0tO8INde https://t.co/HdGs8gm2jx
— William Hartung (@WilliamHartung) January 22, 2018
A great letter to the editor that explains why it is so important for women to lead the effort to #DisarmthePatriarchy. https://t.co/bcsTNgtqMM
— Diane Randall (@dianerandall_) January 22, 2018
There are many ways in which the nuclear-armed states employ the patriarchy to prevent progress on disarmament, including by describing the #nuclearban and other initiatives as emotional and irrational. Where else have heard those terms?! #disarmthepatriarchy
— Ray Acheson (@achesonray) January 22, 2018
Why does it matter to #DisarmthePatriarchy? Well, has a woman ever launched a nuclear weapon?
— Anna Schumann (@heyyallitsanna) January 22, 2018
It is very disturbing to hear that @POTUS will propose funding for new nuclear weapons–we are already spending billions of taxpayer $$$ on weapons that could destroy humanity. #DisarmthePatriarchy pic.twitter.com/IrADJOit3G
— Diane Randall (@dianerandall_) January 22, 2018
#4: What does intersectional nuclear justice look like?
A4: The direct health impacts of nuclear testing run the gamut from cancer to birth defects to infertility, and they overwhelmingly impact communities who are economically or geographically marginalized. #DisarmthePatriarchy 2/5
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
A4: & we can’t talk about U.S. nuclear weapons testing w/o talking about imperialism. This article on U.S. nuclear testing in the Marshall Islands in the 1950s is a case in point: https://t.co/HReQhMwl20 #DisarmthePatriarchy 3/5
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
A4: It’s no accident that the US spent 12 years testing on overseas territory, the Marshall Islands, & not on U.S. citizens. Today, it’s Guam and Hawaii, current/former U.S. colonial territories, that face the most direct nuclear threats on U.S. soil. #DisarmthePatriarchy 4/5
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
A5: Over & over economically marginalized communities suffer most from environmental impacts of nukes. Sunday NYT shows communities around China’s 1st nuclear test site, facing effects from forced relocation to health impacts: https://t.co/TQTnBVeyLv #DisarmthePatriarchy 5/5
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
Some real talk about nuclear weapons, security and gender going on this afternoon here on Twitter. Check out #disarmthepatriarchy for the whole conversation.
— Erin Hunt (@erinlynnhunt) January 22, 2018
A4: 1/ The system that props up nukes disproportionately impacts women, POC, and low income workers. From the way radiation affects our bodies to lasting impact of uranium mining on Navajo land, these communities have long suffered at the hands of this system #disarmthepatriarchy
— Meredith Horowski (@MereHorowski) January 22, 2018
A4: 2/ But those who are closest to the problem are also closest to the solution. Time to start listening to those most impacted. FUNDING THEM. And following their lead. #disarmthepatriarchy
— Meredith Horowski (@MereHorowski) January 22, 2018
We're just SO EMOTIONAL, impulsive and easily baited. #DisarmthePatriarchy
— Anna Schumann (@heyyallitsanna) January 22, 2018
A4: Nuclear testing has mostly been conducted on indigenous lands & people of the global south, incl Australia, Kazakhstan, Pacific islands, Alberia, the US. The #nuclearban recognises the disproportionate impacts of nuclear weapons on indigenous communities #DisarmThePatriarchy
— Ray Acheson (@achesonray) January 22, 2018
A4: Nuclear justice looks like a nuclear weapon free world. It looks like victim assistance & environmental remediation for those that have already suffered and the guarantee that no one will again by eliminating these weapons. #DisarmThePatriarchy
— Ray Acheson (@achesonray) January 22, 2018
A4: A handful of states wield the threat of massive nuclear violence over the rest of the world, treating the lives of citizens and the existence of cities or countries as expendable. This is an incredible injustice that the #nuclearban starts to confront. #DisarmThePatriarchy
— Ray Acheson (@achesonray) January 22, 2018
Loving the conversation with some very smart and bad ass women about nuclear weapons here
—>> #DisarmThePatriarchy @WomensAction.If I was a nuclear weapon, I'd be pretty worried about my future. #womenbanthebomb #nuclearban
— Beatrice Fihn (@BeaFihn) January 22, 2018
We need more congressional leaders who are willing to speak out against the horrors of nuclear weapons and vote against any new funding to #DisarmthePatriarchy. @SenMarkey @tedlieu @RoKhanna @ChrisMurphyCT @SenGillibrand @KamalaHarris
— Diane Randall (@dianerandall_) January 22, 2018
This is so important and so frequently overlooked. Our nuclear past informs our future. Our current administration has a very "over there" perspective on #nukes and it's terrifying. We are so willing to do to others what we would never even test on ourselves. #DisarmthePatriarchy
— Anna Schumann (@heyyallitsanna) January 22, 2018
#5: How do we #DisarmThePatriarchy?
A5: W/ historic levels of inactivity in Congress, states are picking up the slack and demanding action. @WomenLegisLobby state legislators are introducing resolutions in multiple states demanding their members of Congress take action before it’s too late. #DisarmThePatriarchy (1/
— Women Legislators Lobby – WiLL (@WomenLegisLobby) January 22, 2018
In New Hampshire 20 women legislators wrote a letter to their members of congress urging them to fulfill their constitutional duty (3/ https://t.co/jKs3Jar3uX
— Women Legislators Lobby – WiLL (@WomenLegisLobby) January 22, 2018
Women state legislators across the country wrote op-eds this November to voice their concern after the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (4/) https://t.co/jWNdhW4Udl #DisarmthePatriarchy
— Women Legislators Lobby – WiLL (@WomenLegisLobby) January 22, 2018
A5: We #DisarmThePatriarchy by calling it what it is. Conversations like this are essential to changing norms and challenging the status quo. So many people feel the discursive and political pressure of patriarchy without knowing what it is. Name it, shame it, dismantle it.
— Ray Acheson (@achesonray) January 22, 2018
A5: We #DisarmThePatriarchy by working collectively as women, people of colour, LGBTQIA, and allies to confront language and positions that undermine diversity and privilege white straight males as the only experts or the only credible voices.
— Ray Acheson (@achesonray) January 22, 2018
A5: We #DisarmThePatriarchy by working with countries o the global south and allies to stand up to power and challenge the existing order. We did this by negotiating and adopting the #nuclearban, now we need to use it to continue changing the norms around nuclear weapons.
— Ray Acheson (@achesonray) January 22, 2018
A5: We #DisarmThePatriarchy by refusing the accept the hegemonic narrative that nuclear weapons "protect us" or "prevent conflict" and show them for the genocidal weapons of mass destruction that they are. We take the power away from those that santize language to obscure facts.
— Ray Acheson (@achesonray) January 22, 2018
A5: At the global level, we must push countries to sign & ratify the #nuclearban ASAP. This treaty exists b/c non-nuclear states and people like us took a stand to say that the patriarchal #nuclear status quo is NOT alright. Let’s keep the momentum going! #DisarmThePatriarchy
— Reaching Critical Will (@RCW_) January 22, 2018
A6: There are many organizations you should follow. I'll promote mine: Join @winwithoutwar Twitter! And facebook https://t.co/IQRsTK3DO1 And join us online: https://t.co/3pOoUnDoYs #DisarmthePatriarchy 1/
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
A6: And: Add your name as a citizen co-sponsor of @RepAdamSmith’s #NoFirstUse bill, which is one crystal clear sentence long: “It is the policy of the United States to not use nuclear weapons first.” Sign here: https://t.co/Ymd8zqLffq #DisarmThePatriarchy 2/
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
A6: Trump is tweeting us into a reckless war with North Korea that could easily turn nuclear. Are your members of Congress speaking out? If not, contact them by phone, email, or right here on Twitter and urge them to speak up. #DisarmThePatriarchy
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
A5: 1/ We often think of this issue as an existential one: Something that's too big for us to control, really out of our hands. That narrative profits those in power. It works to ice us out of the conversation about weapons that are designed commit genocide #DisarmThePatriarchy
— Meredith Horowski (@MereHorowski) January 22, 2018
A5: 2/ There are so many ways to get involved. Sign up for orgs participating in #DisarmThePatriarchy (@WomensAction @RCW_ @ArmsControlNow @globalzero @BeyondtheBomb @nuclearban & others). Write, Call, Tweet, Lobby Members of Congress to get off the sidelines & pass H.R 669/S.200
— Meredith Horowski (@MereHorowski) January 22, 2018
A5: 3/ Go to https://t.co/9kmF6KVz8W to learn how to introduce a city or state resolution or write an LTE. There's a long history of cities & states standing up against nuclear injustice. We need that leadership now to take away T's red button & move to zero #DisarmThePatriarchy
— Meredith Horowski (@MereHorowski) January 22, 2018
A5: 4/ and most importantly, follow those most impacted. Read their stories. Listen to their needs. Empower them to lead. Set aside your own analysis of the problem. Often, we need to STFU and create space for those who've got the most skin in this game. #DisarmThePatriarchy
— Meredith Horowski (@MereHorowski) January 22, 2018
Digging the convo around #disarmthepatriarchy! Check it out.
— Alli McCracken #FreePalestine ⚡️ #CloseGuantanamo (@AlliMcCracken) January 22, 2018
The immortal and innspirational message from Margaret Mead for all who work to #DisarmthePatriarchy: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. @FCNL @plough_shares @WomensAction @womensmarch
— Diane Randall (@dianerandall_) January 22, 2018
#6: Who inspires you?
A7: These women members of congress stand out in their committment to eliminating threat from nuclear weapons: @SenFeinstein, @RepBarbaraLee, @SenatorShaheen @SenWarren #DisarmthePatriarchy
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
A7: I'm inspired by countless people doing this work, including my colleagues at @winwihtoutwar: @mariamiskajyan @KateKizer @michellerdixon @aubrey_manahan @SPMiles42 @benjaminja #disarmthepatriarchy
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
A7: And many women in the movement: @christineahn @KCRobinsonWPS @atomicbell @K8Gould @MereHorowski @lizbernstein @MsDeeChoudhary @LillyanneD @KelseyDav and so many others! #DisarmthePatriarchy
— Erica Fein (@enfein) January 22, 2018
Written 18 months ago by @MrDanZak, the mythology of nuclear weapons. https://t.co/VOiVZeyFwD we need to #DisarmthePatriarchy. @FCNL @WomensAction @UCSUSA
— Diane Randall (@dianerandall_) January 22, 2018
Find out more about what we are doing to #DisarmthePatriarchy and sign up to get the Nuclear Calendar. @FCNL #Quakers https://t.co/UHWt4x8lMM
— Diane Randall (@dianerandall_) January 22, 2018
A6: #ICAN is FULL of amazing women working for a nuclear free world! Check out https://t.co/0wJHtEkakS or @nuclearban. On a personal note, I am constantly impressed by @achesonray, our director at @RCW_ as one of the smartest and fiercest women I know #DisarmthePatriarchy
— Allison Pytlak (@a_pytlak) January 22, 2018
Q6: Madeleine Rees/ @WILPF Sg and all my WILPF sisters around the world! Carol Cohn @Consortium_GSHR. Cynthia Enloe. Fellow Canadian ICAN women like @erinlynnhunt @a_pytlak, and the global @nuclearban feminist family. The women of the @DisarmamentIRL team! #DisarmThePatriarchy
— Ray Acheson (@achesonray) January 22, 2018
Q6: This question is hard because I'm inevitably not going to my tag everyone I mean to! But all the women diplomats of the #nuclearban process, and the survivors from Japan, Australia, and the Pacific that have given testimony despite emotional trauma #DisarmThePatriarchy
— Ray Acheson (@achesonray) January 22, 2018
You can read the full chat (including introductions and post-chat) on the WAND blog.
Kristina Romines is the Field Director of Women’s Action for New Directions. For over three decades, WAND has worked to empower women to be agents of change for nuclear disarmament and champions for diplomacy over war.