Black Women Honor Toni Morrison with Our Resistance

Today we mourn the passing of Toni Morrison—a beacon who shined light on the truth and inspired the world by giving voice to Black women’s triumphs and tribulations. We celebrate Morrison’s life and will be eternally grateful that she shared her genius, telling authentic stories of the Black experience in America.

Toni Morrison touched our hearts, inspired our pride and moved us to action.

(Angela Radulescu / Creative Commons)

“As you enter positions of trust and power, dream a little before you think,” Morrison said, challenging us to imagine a better future and think outside of the box. During this New Jim Crow Era, when our rights are under constant threat, her words continue to remind us of our history and inspire us to remain steadfast in our resistance to the tyrannies of racism and sexism. Her legacy lives on in the struggle of Black women for justice and equality.

Thank you, Toni Morrison, for encouraging us to fight back and dream.


Marcela Howell is the founder and president of In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda and the former senior policy and communications consultant for Communications Consortium Media Center and vice president of policy, communications and marketing at Advocates for Youth. She has a master's in literature from Saint Louis University and a J.D. from Pepperdine School of Law. You can follow Marcela on Twitter at @BlackWomensRJ.