When Wang Mei’s husband first hit her in their Shanghai home, Wang (a pseudonym) instantly acted to protect herself and her newborn baby by calling 110, China’s number for emergency […]
Author: Leta Hong Fincher
Leta Hong Fincher is the author of a forthcoming book on "leftover" women and gender inequality in China, published by Zed Books. She is also a Ph.D. candidate in sociology at Tsinghua University in Beijing and an award-winning, former journalist. She has a Master’s degree in East Asian Studies from Stanford University and a Bachelor’s degree magna cum laude in East Asian Languages and Civilizations from Harvard University. Follow her on Twitter @letahong.
China’s “Leftover” Women
Last week, 26-year-old newlywed college graduate Li Fang (a pseudonym) explained to me over dinner why she had been in such a rush to marry: If I hadn’t gotten married […]