In New Delhi last December, Jyoti Singh Pandey, a physiotherapy student out to a late movie with a friend, boarded a bus in which she and her friend were attacked […]
Author: Srimati Basu
In India or U.S., No Safe Haven from Gender Violence
When you cry “rape,” who can hear you? Should it matter how you are heard? On reading American student RoseChasm’s terrified litanies of sexual harassment, rape and stalking during her […]
Rites of Gun Passage
Dear Gun Lovers: We hear you: Guns are beloved custom and culture. They are rites of passage, in which 5-year-olds are given shotguns, along with bicycles with training wheels or […]
Click! My Grandmother’s Resistance
“How am I going to manage without you?” my maternal grandmother Pata wailed at the viewing of her husband’s recently deceased body. As a precocious and carefully inscrutable 12-year-old, I […]
Marriage, Unnatural In Every Way
Following Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision overturning Proposition 8, the accusation that he is furthering “unnatural” marriage is being spouted so often that it is quite obviously a deliberate talking point: […]
Can Women Officeholders Really Change India?
The Rajya Sabha (Upper House) of the Indian Parliament passed a bill on Wednesday approving a constitutional amendment to reserve 30 percent of seats for women in national and state legislatures. This would not only improve India’s rate of women in parliament from the current 10 percent, but also put India in healthy comparison with the highest rates of women in parliament globally: 42.1 percent for the Nordic countries, 19.9 percent for the rest of Europe, 22.2 percent for the Americas (18 percent for the U.S.) and 18.7 percent for Asia, according to the Inter Parliamentary Union.
On International Women’s Day, Bouquets or Marches?
It’s worth broadcasting International Women’s Day in order to take a look at these very divergent paths, and not just for nostalgia or political capital.
It lets us tell a nuanced history of feminism, of resilience and transformation and conflict, linked moments and lived differences.