It’s Not Nice to Mess With Mother Nature: Ecofeminism 101 (Jan/Feb 1989)

From the January/February 1989 issue of Ms. magazine:

“One of the most interesting (and least reported on) developments of the last few years has been the integration of feminist and ecological concerns. … In an ecofeminist society, no one would have power over anyone else, because there would be an understanding that we’re all part of the interconnected web of life.”

As Climate Change Deadline Approaches, Every Minute Counts to Urge Action

Civilians gathered in a global moment of silence to commemorate the first official Climate Emergency Day on July 22. From California to Nigeria, New Orleans to London, Ghana to Pennsylvania, Rome to Jerusalem—the world watched the Climate Clock tick over from seven years to six. I led the moment of silence under the Union Square Climate Clock in New York City. It was hot, reaching 99 degrees Fahrenheit. As we faced the clock, we felt the crisis in our bodies.

When we imagine the climate crisis together, and all that’s at stake, we are feeding the momentum of a movement with revolutionary potential. Adrienne Maree Brown wrote, “We are in an imagination battle.” The Climate Clock is the drummer of this battle.

How “Patriarchal Capitalism” Finances Systemic Agricultural Violence

Our Intelligent Bodies, Ourselves

Dr. Shiva, an internationally awarded physicist, has written a new book, “Oneness vs. The 1%: Shattering Illusions, Seeding Freedom” that examines the “mechanical, military mindset” that routinely wars against a living planet and its people.

“What is eco-feminism?” she asks. “It’s taking off the blinkers of patriarchal capitalism that says nature is inert and dead, that women are dumb, and recognizing that nature and women are alive and creative.”

#FireDrillFriday: Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinem Were Arrested While Striking for Action on Climate Change

Actor and activist Jane Fonda and Ms. magazine co-founder Gloria Steinem were arrested today in Washington, D.C., alongside National Domestic Workers Alliance Director Ai-jen Poo and Moral Mondays leader Reverend William Barber II, at a climate change action also attended by founder of United Farm Workers and Feminist Majority Foundation board member Dolores Huerta.