The Importance of Talking About Women in the Fight Against Abortion Bans

The most powerful argument for abortion rights is to highlight the sex-based nature of these restrictions and argue that they violate equal rights. To succeed in arguing that sex equality requires the right to abortion, we need to be able to talk about how sex shapes access to abortion and how anti-abortion legislators target women with devastating consequences. The elimination of sex-based language in abortion politics makes this argument impossible, and reinforces the long-term right-wing strategy of suppressing information about sex-based disparities.

Facebook Profits from Anti-Abortion Misinformation While Suppressing Medically Accurate Abortion Facts

Social media companies are circulating anti-abortion groups’ unproven and potentially dangerous “abortion pill reversal” theory, while at the same time blocking factual information about abortion pills from reproductive health groups.

“Facebook and its subsidiary Instagram are hiding vital, accurate information about abortion pills—and we won’t stand for it.”