I Don’t Want to Seek Out Sex Ed Online Anymore

The Internet’s power to foster safe communities and help educators provide free and easily accessible information about sexuality is great. I’m glad resources exist for people who need them, especially in the current landscape where sex ed is so politicized. But online resources shouldn’t be a stand-in for bad sex ed policies.

The Sexism of “Likability”

Are women “likable?” According to the polls, voters don’t think so, even though former advisors to Elizabeth Warren are doing their best convince us that she is “warm and affectionate.” But the real question is why “grabbing a beer” with a candidate is still the yardstick used to measure their potential—and why female candidates are (still) unfairly suffering from it.

The Guide To Having a Comfortable Period

Knowing and having access to all the possibilities for dealing with periods is a matter of comfort and improved sanitation, and a means for achieving body integrity and increased opportunity. Menstruating individuals deserve choices—so let’s unpack them!