Women’s Soccer World Cup: Controversy Off the Field

Tomorrow morning, the U.S. women’s soccer team will take on North Korea in their first match of the FIFA Women’s World Cup, which began yesterday. While the international championship itself is sure to be exciting, many events leading up to it have already been making headlines around the world. FIFA, the international governing body of […]

We Spleen: Michele Bachmann’s Planned Parenthood-Bashing

This past weekend, many conservatives, including several presidential hopefuls, gathered at the Faith and Freedom Conference in Washington, D.C., to campaign for the 2012 elections share their values. Speakers included Paul Ryan, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and the consistently deranged always entertaining Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. After insinuating that the U.S. is on the path to […]

We Heart: Texas Rep. Thompson’s Badass House Floor Speech

We haven’t had much reason to “heart” Texas in the last several months. Its Senate is trying to defund Planned Parenthood, and its governor just signed a bill requiring that women seeking abortions must undergo an ultrasound and listen to a detailed description of the size of their fetus’ limbs and organs. But we applaud […]

Women Demand Environmental Justice from Chevron

Women traversed the globe from as far as Ecuador, Nigeria, Colombia and Indonesia to make their voices heard today at Chevron’s annual shareholder’s meeting in California. In contrast to last year–when activists were denied the mic–22 indigenous, First Nation and other community activists spoke at the meeting, supported by 150 protesters who gathered outside. Chevron […]